Promoter General of the Rosary

"Your mission will come forth by praying the Holy Rosary from the heart
as inspired by the Holy Spirit and guided by the Blessed Virgin Mary."
Thank you Dennis and Angelina for a such a joyous and meaningful conversation.
I am so very excited; moreover, it is ever clearer to me that what seems to be a source of anxiety for many faithful is worry about knowing God's Holy Will in their lives. The discovery of God's Will for each of us in union with Holy Mother Church need not be an anxiety-laden endeavor.
This is an unnecessary burden to place upon ourselves. We do well to trust in the celebration of the Sacraments and in the prayer of the Most Holy Rosary. It is in this prayer, in the contemplation of the Holy Mysteries of the Incarnation, that we become one with Christ Himself and the mission the Holy Trinity inspires in us.
As humans we do worry at times and this is also a blessing if we share that with God within the context of the prayer of the Holy Rosary. Anxiety will occur, yet, we can trust that anxiety is transformed into a deeper trust in all faith, hope, and charity by the graces offered in this prayer. Our very identity as Christians depends on this depth of relationship with God and with His Mother and ours, Mary, The Immaculate Conception. We come to God in the prayer of the Holy Rosary often not knowing where we are headed. Yet, we know from St. Paul's Letters that, to paraphrase:  ' My glory is in my weakness, for abiding in me is the strength of Christ.'
Blessings in Mary Immaculate and Jesus, our Life,
Fr. Chris



fr. Christopher Eggleton, OP
Socius for USA - Promoter of the Rosary
Curia Generalizia Frati Domenicani - Convento S. Sabina (Aventino)
Piazza Pietro d'Illiria, 1 - 00153 Roma (Italia)